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The Buckingham School

The Buckingham School

What Choices do Students have?

Core Studies

The Core Studies curriculum offer is set for all students. The Buckingham School Core offer comprises:

  • English Language GCSE
  • English Literature GCSE
  • Mathematics GCSE
  • Separate Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics)  GCSE
  • PE for health and fitness
  • Personal Development (PSHE)
  • Philosophy and Ethics  

Tutor time will be used to enhance the key elements of SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural understanding) and British Values and Citizenship.


Options include a range of GCSE and Vocational qualifications. Vocational qualifications are BTEC Level 2 qualifications that are equivalent to GCSE. BTEC qualifications are more vocationally linked and assessed through a portfolio of evidence, in addition to an external examination. These also include hands-on and practical skills development, alongside theory and classroom learning.

The English Baccalaureate

The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) is not a qualification in itself.  It is awarded to students who have  achieved a good pass, (grade 5 or above), in:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • At least two Sciences (which can include Computer Science)
  • A Modern Foreign Language – French or Spanish
  • Geography or History

Success in Ebacc subjects can lead to taking these subjects Post 16, where they are seen as facilitating subjects. These subjects are highly recognised at top Universities; especially those in the Russell Group. For this reason, we have adapted our curriculum models so that more of our students can study these subjects, in addition to still being able to have at least two additional Options.

Optional GCSE Subjects

The following GCSE subjects are available through the Options.

  • Art 
  • Business Studies 
  • Computer Science 
  • Design & Technology 
  • Dance 
  • Drama 
  • Film Studies 
  • Food Preparation and Nutrition 
  • French 
  • Geography
  • History 
  • PE 
  • Photography 
  • Psychology 
  • Sociology 
  • Spanish 

 Optional Vocational Subjects

  • Asdan
  • Construction BTEC
  • Health & Social Care BTEC
  • Music BTEC
  • Sport BTEC

Within the KS4 Options Booklet, you will find summaries of each of the subjects offered across our Key Stage 4 (KS4) curriculum.  Each summary has details of the Curriculum Leader for that area, to whom students can direct any specific requests for further information.

Many of these sheets also contain links to websites where more detail on the specific courses can be found.

Advice and Guidance

We are committed to providing all our students with detailed advice and guidance in making the right Options. We know that the vast majority of our students consider parents/carers to be one of their most valued sources of advice and we will provide information and guidance to parents/carers in order that you can provide the support needed in this process.

Our students will have the opportunity to meet with specialist staff to discuss Options in subjects that have not been part of their Key Stage 3 curriculum provision.

In addition to the breadth of advice and support offered in School, students should be encouraged to conduct their own research in job options and the qualifications that might be needed to secure certain career paths.