Student Life
Student Voice and leadership opportunities are a particular strength of the school. Within the Sixth Form, we believe it is very important that students have their say and participate in the decision-making processes which affect their learning and environment. We also encourage them to support each other and those students in the lower year groups within the school, taking a greater level of responsibility for the well-being of the student body.
Senior Student Leadership Team (SSLT):
- Head of School and Senior Student Leadership positions
- School Council Leaders
- Student Support Team
- Prefects
- Peer Mentors
The Senior Student Leadership Team (SSLT) is a dedicated group of students that work together to run the student voice in the school. The SSLT is divided into specialist teams focusing on various areas of school life, from anti bullying and student councils, to technologies and student interviewers. To be a member of the SSLT, applicants must be voted in by fellow students as responsibilities include working closely with the school's staff Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and governors.