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The Buckingham School

The Buckingham School


The School's PTA (Parent Teacher Association), is called ‘Friends of Buckingham School’ – affectionately known as ‘FOBS’.

The aims of the Friends of Buckingham School group:

  • Increase family engagement with the School
  • Raise funds for items and/or projects to enrich our students’ experience of school life
  • Organise and run events to promote both of the above aims

Who can get involved?
As with all ‘Parent-Teacher Associations’ (PTAs), all staff and parents are automatically part of the group and are encouraged to get involved with the activities that are being run, as are the students. 

Everyone in the school community will automatically be a member of FOBS, and you’ll be able to see what we’ve been doing and how you can get involved through letters, newsletters and social media.  If you are interested in being on the committee, you would need to be available for committee meetings  approximately once per month, during an evening. The meetings are mainly focused around events, what fundraising is required and how communication with the school community can be improved.  

What is a PTA?
A PTA is a great way to bring together parents, students, teachers and the local community to raise funds and to support the school. This is generally done by members of the PTA organising, running and attending events that increase family engagement with the school, improve communications and raise money for assets that will enrich school life.

If you would like further information about the work FOBS do, or to get involved, please feel free to email

Useful Links:

Visit the FOBs Facebook page to hear about upcoming events, visit: 

Second-hand clothing FB page:

Second-hand uniform selling site where parents can sell old uniform items, revision guides, shoes and sports shoes (please note that uniform bearing the old logo can still be worn by students in Years 9-11). The FOBS team will be selling unnamed lost property on here also, to generate money for the School starting in the New Year.

To make a donation to help with current projects, visit: