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The Buckingham School

The Buckingham School

200 Club Rules

  1. For a cost of £2 per month (i.e. per draw) you will be allocated one number between one and 200. You can purchase more than one number.
  2. The Club year runs from 1st April to 31st March, each year.
  3.  An annual payment of £24 must be paid by 15th April, to be included in that month's draw. If you wish to join the club at any other point of the year, a payment of £2 x the number of the months remaining in the club year (e.g. If joining in October, £12 (6 months x £2) is payable by the 15th October)
  4.  A draw will be made on the last Thursday every month with a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize.
  5.  The prizes will total 50% of the monthly income.
  6.  This will be apportioned as: 1st prize of 30%, 2nd prize of 15% and 3rd prize of 5% for 10 out of 12 months.
  7.  The 200 club is a private lottery and is open to all parents, carers, staff and friends of Buckingham School.
  8.  Tickets can be purchased by anyone aged 16 years of age and over.
  9.  Payments must be made directly into the FOBS bank account, quoting your 200 Club number. Payment must reach the account by the 15th, to be included within that month's draw.
  10. The draw shall be made by FOBS using a random number generator.
  11. The names and numbers for each month’s winners will be posted on the FOBS Facebook page and an email will be sent to the winners requesting their bank account details.
  12. A bank transfer to the winners will be made within 7 days of the details being received.
  13. The 200 Club will be run by the FOBS. In case of any dispute, communication should be made to the FOBS Team in the first instance and then escalated to the School if not resolved. Email
  14. If payment is not received by the 15th of the month, that month's fee will not be refunded and will be donated 100% to FOBS.
  15. If a winner cannot be contacted, the winnings will be placed into FOBS funds after six months.
  16. If the total monthly prize money is less than £100, due to low ticket sales, no prize will paid out and all prize funds will be rolled over to next month’s draw. This is to minimise the payout of small cash amounts.