Parent Forum: Tuesday 1 October 2024 for Parents & Carers of Students in Year 8 and above
We are excited to announce the introduction of regular Parent Forum events at The Buckingham School.
Our Parent Forum will serve as a platform where parents and carers can voice their opinions, share ideas and
contribute to the decision-making processes that impact our school community. The Forum will address important issues within the school, such as behaviour, procedures and policies. All parents and carers are welcome to attend and share their views - your input really matters and can influence what happens within the school.
The Forum will meet every half term throughout the school year. Parents and carers of students in Year 8 and above are invited to the first Forum on Tuesday 1 October. Going forward, all parents are invited to participate. This approach provides our new Year 7 parents with the opportunity to become familiar to school routines, policies, and other important information during the first term before participating.
To read the letter (and Agenda) in full, please click on the link shown below.